First off, biguanides pools are expensive. Just the maintenance products alone will cost a lot more every month than using bleach or other chlorine products.
Also, you may be able to run a Baqua pool successfully for a couple or even several seasons, but there will come a time when you will run into problems - the cloudy water, unpleasant pink slime, uncontrollable algae. To fix this, you would have you drain most of your pools water, change your filter media and start using stronger Baqua products. Compare this with the alternative: With proper testing and application of chlorine, you will be able to maintain your sparkling clean water without EVER shocking or draining!
Now for the fun part...switching from baquacil to chlorine!
First, you will need a really good test kit like our Taylor K-2005, or Taylor K-2006 Found HERE.
In order to properly complete the entire conversion, you will need a lot of liquid chlorine. The amount it will take depends on the size of your pool and how much Baqua residual you have in your pool.
You will also need replacement media for your filter handy (sand, cartridges, DE) found HERE as you will need to clean your filter and change out the media AFTER your conversion is complete.
- Test your pH. You will want to correct and make sure you are between 7.2 - 7.4 before you begin or the process will not work correctly.
- Go HERE to figure out exactly how much chlorine you will need to raise your FC (Free Chlorine) from 0 - 15ppm with the volume of your swimming pool.
- Add the recommended chlorine from the pool calculator's website.
- Test your water quite frequently and add the required amount of chlorine to maintain your free chlorine level of 15ppm. This must be done as often as possible, hourly if possible, but minimally every day. Make sure you test and add chlorine before you go to sleep, and test again in the morning. Initially, the FC will be used up very quickly. The more often you can test and boost your FC to 15, the faster the conversion will go. Toward the middle of the conversion, it is more important to test and add your bleach in the evening, or at other times when the sun is not shining on the pool.
- Check the pressure in your filter very frequently and backwash / clean cartridges as necessary. You will find a lot of gooey substance coming from the filter.
- Brushing and/or vacuuming is extremely helpful.
- When you lose 1 ppm of chlorine, or less, overnight it is time to clean out your filter and change the media. Once the filter is cleaned up, add CYA (Cyanuric Acid, stabilizer, conditioner) to 30 ppm. Continue to maintain FC at 15 ppm.
- Your conversion is complete when CC (combined chlorine) is at 0.5ppm or less atleast two days in a row.
- You are now finished! Say goodbye to expensive pool chemicals, tough problems and hello to saving money & a sparkling, blue pool!!!.
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