Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Algae Algae and more Algae!!!

We have received an enormous volume of customers requesting information on how to remove the algae that has been growing in their pool/spa over the winter.  The BEST way to treat algae breakouts is to prevent them all together.  It is always easier to prevent a problem than to fix it (less expensive too).  Hopefully we can answer most of your questions or problems regarding this issue as it appears many of you may be having this problem.

There are many different types of algae, yellow, black, mustard, green, pink just to name a few.  The most common we will see are yellow, mustard, green and black algae.  A product we carry that will help prevent an algal breakout is our "problem free".  This algaecide/clarifier combination is the best on the market.  Treats, prevents and clarifies the water all at the same time!

Mustard and yellow algae can be treated with "yellow eliminator", "problem free", or "algaecide 60" combined with a chlorine or cal-hypo shock, brushing & circulation of the pool pump.  Use a good algae preventative such as "maintenance algaecide" to keep the algae out of your pool.

Green Algae can be treated with "problem free" or "algaecide 60" also along with a chlorine or cal-hypo shock, brushing & circulation of the pool pump.  Use a good algae preventative such as "maintenance algaecide" to keep the algae out of your pool.

Black algae, one of the harder to treat as the chlorine kills the top layer only causing this "dead layer" to protect the layers actually clinging to the pool surface.  To treat this type of algae, you brush the algae spots FIRST rigorously with a metal bristle brush with the pool pump OFF.  After, the pool must be shocked with a chlorine or cal-hypo shock, then the spots directly treated with "blackout 90".  The pool pump must be left OFF overnight.  the next day, turn the pool pump on & brush the dead algae to the drains.  Use a good algae preventative such as "maintenance algaecide" to keep the algae out of your pool.

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