We've all had it, they're sometimes unavoidable and despite how much we love plants, they just don't look very pretty in our pool!
Algal outbreaks whether green, yellow, black, pink or whatever other form they come, are very harmful to your pools surface. In this topic, we are going to touch up on some tips that, if followed, will keep your pool looking sparkling blue and the pool's surface lasting much, much longer.
A properly maintained pool, with the correct amount of sanitizer, whether chlorine, salt, bromine, mineral or bleach which is brushed religiously, vacuumed and checked daily can still be prone to an algal outbreak! There are many factors that cause this problem and we will discuss this below.
1: Nitrates: Commonly found in fertilizers, these are ultimately going to end up in your pool, especially if you have plants, grass, or even jumping into your pool from another source where these are found. A high enough content of nitrates can actually lead to your sanitizer level readings to falsely read "0" even though they may actually be at the normal levels (or higher if you keep adding). There is only one way to actually get these nitrate levels out of your pool. Dilution, you need to drain a portion of your pool water, and replace with fresh, then sanitize to the proper level. This is extremely costly and would be less costly if you can catch it before too big of a problem. You can purchase nitrate test strips at Swim 'N Save USA. Call for details.
2. Phosphates: (algae food) Commonly found also in fertilizers, however, in the state of Florida, we actually mine over 95% of the WORLDS consumption of phosphates. This means that they will always be a problem in our swimming pools. These are brought into our pools by rain, swimmers, grass/greenery clippings and other sources. The best way to clear phosphates (and only way) is to add a phosphate remover to your swimming pool which will require the system to be run overnight, and a clarifier added to it to make sure it all returns into the filter, which will be backwashed after the treatment. Test strips and phosphate removers can also be purchased at Swim 'N Save USA.
Phosphates and Nitrates are the two biggest causes of algae. With these two extremely simple tests done along with your regular testing, which by the way can be done as frequently as 6-8 weeks if maintained properly will keep your swimming pool and spa completely algae free assuming you also maintain free chlorine and circulation. Should you have ANY questions, need any additional help or tips for your common pool problems that just dont seem to go away, please feel free to contact one of our highly knowledgeable swimming pool technicians. As always, visit our store on the web 24/7 and browse through our extensive product listings as we carry over 27,000 Swimming pool supplies, parts, chemicals patio furniture, outdoor equipment and more!