Swim 'N Save USA Is Currently Down For Maintenance Upgrades.
We are making our shopping experience easier & more secure. For everyone!
This is a temporary page. Currently, we are in the process of "upgrading" our security measures to a state of the art system for both your personal information & credit card security to stay up-to-date with today's fraud, theft & vandalism detection. We appreciate your patience in this matter. We have an estimated completion date of 4/21/2010. The new system we are implementing will give all our customers the peace of mind that your information is extremely secure and insured to $100,000. If you need a product, you can still place your order by contacting our friendly customer service department. During this procedure, we have increased our hours of operation and will be available for phone orders 24 hours a day until Tuesday, 4/22/2010. Again, we apologize for the inconvenience and look forward to fulfilling your needs!
Beginning 4/24/2010, Swim 'N Save USA will be located at booth's G23 & G24 At the Oldsmar Flea Market. Be sure to stop in and meet the owner of the company. Pool Supplies and Free Water Tests will be available!
Beginning 4/24/2010, Swim 'N Save USA will be located at booth's G23 & G24 At the Oldsmar Flea Market. Be sure to stop in and meet the owner of the company. Pool Supplies and Free Water Tests will be available!