- Saltwater is an expense when it is installed, but after that you do not have to add chlorine as salt makes chlorine. This saves you $60 for every bucket you buy.
- Salt is softer on your skin.
- The new salt systems are great, as they monitor and clean themselves.
- You also do not have the obnoxious little floater in your pool all the time with salt.
- Both systems generate Disinfection By Products (DBP). Both systems are very climate dependent and also vary based on pool usage.
Swim 'N Save USA currently carries 3 different types of salt generator systems, all starting under $700 (extremely low if you shopped around already). There are a few new models that will be coming out for the 2010 swim season, we will post more information when these products become available on the market!
As always, if you have ANY questions or concerns regarding your pool or spa, feel free to contact us at either of our customer service numbers!
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